Edgar’s Latest News

We love what we sell, and we want to share that with our customers.

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You can also come here to find out when we have seasonal decor available.

Chick & Ready To Lay Hen Orders Now Being Accepted!

Our Frey’s Hatchery order forms have arrived and we are now taking orders for chicks, ducks, turkeys, pheasants and Ready To Lay Hens for 2023!

Send us a message for delivery dates and availability for all your chick needs

Some breeds you can expect include:

  • White Rock

  • Rustic Ranger (Dual Purpose)

  • Brown Egg Layers

  • Brown Egg Layer - Heritage Breeds

  • White Egg Layers

  • Blue Egg Layers (Azure Blue)

Day Old Chicks & Ready To Lay Hens

We don’t just want to introduce you to our new arrivals,

we want to introduce you to the store.


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